Saturday, September 28, 2013

Update on Action Research and a Slight Change

In the beginning of the action research experience I was going to focus on discipline and why my school had so many repeat offenders.  As I began digging in to this my school decided to do a complete 180 with our procedures since we had a turnover with our administration.  We have decide to implement PBIS throughout our school.  As I looked at this from a distance I decided along with my site supervisor to tie this in with my action research of the repeat offenders from previous years and how PBIS has positively or negatively effected their discipline.  I have joined our PBIS committee where we meet each Monday and have roundtable discussions on our our procedures are going and what we are seeing throughout the school.  To this point I have noticed a significant change from years past with our discipline.  We had a such a problem in the past with always having students in ISS, I am pleased to report that my principal went to an administrators meeting this past week and we are the only school in the district we has not had a single student in ISS.  I know its early still put the students seem to have a more positive reaction to PBIS as opposed to our other way how discipline which was pretty much non existent.  I know I need to dig deeper into the project and let it run its course longer before I feel that PBIS is a success and to see if it has helped with our students academic achievement.  In our weekly PBIS meetings, now that we are almost into our second 6 weeks, I will inquire the teachers about the effect PBIS has with students assessment scores in their classrooms and if they feel there is a link in the way we are handling discipline.  I will keep you all updated as we move further into the school year and hopefully I can report even better information on PBIS and its effectiveness on our repeat offenders and our school community.