Thursday, February 28, 2013

What I Have Learned About Action Research

In the beginning, all I thought action research was was just another way to get information out of selected texts that we may use in the future.  Action research seems to be a very interesting and hands on approach in analyzing data and implementing new data and strategies.  While reading up on action research, it is commonly associated with inquiry.  Inquiry to me is something that you are interested in and often ask yourself questions about a certain topic.  Once the question is raised, we make the choice to dig deeper into the topic or let it go by the wayside.  This is where the action research comes into play, once the topic is chosen then we may move forward in our research.  This research must include data, observations, and in the end allow us a way to implement our findings so that we may answer our inquiry or question that was raised.  I plan to use action research throughout my time as a teacher and hopefully when the time comes as an administrator.  I hope to focus my first action research project in some area of discipline. I feel that in order to become a great administrator we will need to master the art of discipline and knowing that every student and situation may need to be handled differently.

This is my first post as a "Blogger", I hope to use this as just another source of communication and allow others to follow me on my "Action Research Adventures".

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevin, you are right in that action research is much more involved in that it is more hands on.

    I like your mindset in handling each student differently and that not all of them are the same. I also liked your idea in sharing news with the community through your blog.
