Saturday, March 2, 2013

How Educational Leaders Might use Blogs

Educational leaders can use blogs in many different ways.  They could use blogs to reach parents, students or faculty.  This could be used as another way to communicate with the community and to get suggestions on certain topics.  This could also be used as a public forum to keep the community up to date on the happenings at their respected school.


  1. I like the thought of educational leaders using blogs to keep the community informed. It's not something that would work in my school because there are very few families with internet access. However, I think in an area where it could work, it would really be a great way to keep everyone involved.

  2. Kevin, I saw that you were working on discipline with repeat offenders. I am doing something similiar to that and would like to follow your blog. My blog site address is if you are interested in following me as well. It would be appreciated. I am in an area of uncharted territory and really could use the collaboration. Thanks and good luck to you on your adventure!
