Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 3 in Action Research

I hope all is well out there fr everyone who is working on Week 3 assignments and good luck for those who have not started yet.  This week has been very trying in the sense that it was somewhat difficult to understand what was required for us to do or how to do it.  I have created my Action Research template and copied it just below.  I have also included my part 1 assignment response, just so you may have a better understanding.  I hope that you will take the time to share what you think about it and what I may need to look at again and make some changes.

Complete Part 1 of this assignment below
How effective is our current “In School Suspension” program and why are there always the same students (repeat offenders) who are in ISS?
I have come to this topic through discussions with my site supervisor and assistant principal.  I went in to this class wanting to research something that deals with discipline and how effective our schools discipline may be.  I feel in my heart that there is something different that can be done for us to get more value out of our current ISS program and to keep repeat offenders out of ISS and in the classroom. 

Action Planning Template
Goal:  To evaluate and modify our current ISS program and to lower the amount of time repeat offenders spend in ISS.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
1. Evaluate current ISS program and create a list of “Repeat Offenders”. Survey teachers on how effective they feel our current ISS procedures are. 

Myself, Assistant Principal and ISS teacher
April to May 2013
Referrals from previous year. Amount of days each student spent in ISS. Survey Monkey access for teacher surveys.
Complete list of “Repeat Offenders” and teacher surveys.
2. Analyze teacher feedback, create a chart of “repeat offenders” and the amount of time they spent in ISS

Myself and Assistant Principal
May 2013
Survey results and referrals from current year and previous years if possible
Compile results in a chart and focus in on why repeat offenders were in ISS
3. Modify current ISS procedures/programs and interview repeat offenders teachers as to what or why those students may always be in ISS

Myself, Assistant Principal and ISS teacher
May 2013 to July 2013
Current ISS procedures, other school procedures and documents used to reduce time in ISS
Lay out a plan on what I would like to implement for next school years ISS program and show what other schools are doing in this instance.

4. Implement new plan for the coming school years ISS program and the procedures for “Repeat Offenders”

Myself, Assistant Principal and ISS teacher
August 2013
Copy of new plan for all teachers and administrators. Copy of procedures for “Repeat Offenders”
Have a final copy placed in school handbook for the upcoming year.

5. Present new ISS procedures/program to staff and how we may better deal with “Repeat Offenders”
Myself and Assistant Principal
August 2013
Staff development day, and copies for staff of new plan
Teacher feedback

6. Analyze new ISS procedures and effectiveness for “Repeat Offenders”
Myself and Assistant Principal
August to September 2013
Surveys for staff and students (repeat offenders)
Evaluate the new procedures


  1. Kevin I am very interested in your action research plan! Some quick questions I have regarding your plan: what is the protocol or requirements for students to be sent to ISS? Are there a number of behavior interventions that are applied for repeat offenders or would that be beneficial? I am currently serving in a student discipline committee at my school to provide support to teachers who have students that receive office referrals regularly and it has seemed to help a little in the classroom. We do not have ISS at my school so I may be asking silly questions. Your plan looks thought out and I am eager to follow you and see the outcomes of your research as it may apply to so many schools and support teachers!!!

  2. Kevin: I think your plan looks very comprehensive. I work on an elementary campus that does not have ISS and the teachers are frequently frustrated by the office referral program. Often students are referred to the office for behavior issues, the teachers don't get any feedback and the kids come back as if it was no big deal. I am curious to see what some of your new protocols are that will have an impact on the students to diminish the referrals.

  3. Very nice Kevin. I would love to duplicate your plan on my current campus. I am very interested in your findings at the conclusion of your research. Best of luck to you!

  4. Your plan is well thought out. I think every campus could use support with “repeat offenders”. When looking at this group of students, it is often helpful to look at patterns in the referrals - time of day, specific teacher, specific situation - pinpointing triggers can be invaluable. One program that we are currently trying out, with some success, is Ripple Effects. You might look into it. Good luck to you! If you can find answers to this problem, many teachers will see you as a savior!

  5. I think your plan is very good. It seems that you have thought out the steps very well. I am very interested to see how your work with repeat offenders turns out. We have this same problem on our campus. This is a big need for many elementary campuses.

  6. Kevin I have worked in ISS for 8 years and have seen many changes in the way our discipline has been handled and the biggest difference is the turnover in administration and the expectations along with consistent discipline. Students will do whatever you allow them to do and their parents will also blame others for their childs misbehavior. When our discipline was at its best, parents were contacted and became part of the solution and not part of the problem. I would like to know what protocols you have in place now and what changes are you lookiing to take place.
